#ShibbCast - Episode 3

#ShibbCast - Episode 3
Watch me jamming while thinking about something else.

Again: It's Sunday, and here I am with a new Episode of the #ShibbCast. This time, the accompanying video is kind of a recreation of how this instrumental was constructed - I tried a different approach this time.

A struggle of many musicians recording is that the click can get seriously annyoing when recording for longer periods. The Soundbrenner Pulse offers a different solution as this is a haptic metronome. You can see me wearing it in the video on my wrist. Everytime it lightens up, it vibrates as well. With this gadget, "feeling the pulse of music" get's an entirely new twist and I love it. Once I got used to feeling the click instead of hearing it, it opened up a new idea in my head:

How about I just set myself a click in a certain tempo and just start jamming and writing until I'm satisfied? This is basically what I did. This instrumental was constructed around the main guitar track, which was recorded as a one-take without cuts throughout the song. Once I layed that down, I started programming the drums and arranging the additional guitars. Usually I try to write riffs and melodies that fit a "full arrangement" straight away, but this time it started out as a solo-guitar track and I added the full arrangement afterwards - if this makes any sense. I do not really know how to put that into words. The little easter-egg in this is that the beginning of Episode 3 is reminscient of the beginning of Episode 2. ...it connects and continues the journey.

I decided to film myself playing the track instead of putting an ambient video for it because while composing it, I have been thinking about a few good memories over and over again and this track is just fun to play. In addition, I kind of recreated the unspectacular process of me writing it. Just me sitting on my couch playing the guitar.

So the fun thing about that is: You see how I actually wrote this, but you hear what was going on in my head.

I hope you enjoy this and it makes your thoughts drift a little. If it creates a picture in your head, I'm all satisfied with it - let me know what it did to you! :)

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