#ShibbCast - Episode 4

#ShibbCast - Episode 4
...a late night fadeout...

#ShibbCastSunday again! ...how come that I only had this hashtag with the fourth episode in mind? I could've been more creative. Anyhow. Another sunday, another ShibbCast. This time, I tried a different approach of arranging that I haven't used before: Loops/Samples.

Usually, I create my instrumentals by writing them in their full-length. This time, I only set myself a tempo and constructed a beat with 808 Drumsamples. Then I chose E-minor as the root of this song and started recording Chord progressions and melodies - but none of them longer than 8 bars. - to put it in a nutshell: I created a set of loops/samples to play around with.

What you hear is the result of me having a set of loops, arranging them into a full-length instrumental. I am indeed quite happy with the result, as this comes with a totally different vibe from what I usually write. It kind of feels like having a night out, going back home, and let the night fade with a few friends in a flat with the last drinks. You are exhausted but happy. You have conversations, that might be a few of the best ones in your entire life. Although this instrumental is not that spectacular, it certainly has a lot of emotional value - which is interesting for me, as I would have never thought this is possible when working with loops.

This emotional value is the reason for my choice of the videomaterial:
I was lucky enough to be a guest at a recording of the M&M Blaupause - the podcast of my flatmate Markus. - Spoiler alert: It's German. It felt pretty good to be there. It was a calm, relaxing atmosphere and I got to listen to some very interesting conversations. If you do speak German, I highly recommend checking them out on Soundcloud and please give them a like on Facebook.

This time I managed to surprise myself with the outcome of this episode. That makes me even more excited about what is going to come next. 

The melting mind sessions continue...

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