#ShibbCast - Episode 8
#ShibbCast - Episode 8
...This time it's dark...
We're getting closer to the end of the first season of the Shibbcast. And so far I am pretty happy about how it went so far and what it did to me. I went through different shades of heavyness and deepness. I like how different the feedback is that I get from people listening to the episodes. So far, it turns out that Episode 7 has been the most popular one from what I've heard. And somehow I am pretty sure that Episode 8 is not going to be everyone's favourite, but I wanted to share this side of my music writing as well with you.
As said in the headline, this episode is rather dark and pretty heavy. Musicians could say, that it has some kind of a djenty vibe. (If you do not know the term djent, it is pretty well explained here: WIKIDJ0NT) In 2017 most of the things I wrote and composed sounded similar to Episode 8, as I was totally into heavyness mixed with spheric sounds then. Throughout autumn 2017 my writing taste started to become similar to my listening taste. I still enjoy heavyness, but not as much as I did in 2017 or e.g. in 2015 (references for that will follow). Now, I like very different kinds of genres: Rock, Pop, Techno, Trance, Dubstep, Chillstep, Ska, Jazz, Hip Hop, House, etc... What is still fascinating me, is how you can mix those genres up - but I'm starting to lose the thread here...
I came up with this episode more or less by listening to what I have done within the ShibbCast so far and mixing my thoughts about that with some ideas from last year. It turned out to be the longest episode of the ShibbCast so far - which is unusual for me in that genre: Most of the tracks that I know longer than 5 minutes are rather calm, relaxing or clubbing - not punching you in the face more or less for 7 minutes... - I know that there are exceptions, but those are not the tracks you would encounter straight away by having a look into heavier genres.
Nonetheless. I think it quite fits the progression of the ShibbCast so far and filming a train ride with plain naked fields and somewhat blurry images was quite a good fit for me. Fun fact: the heaviest riffs that I write actually come to my mind on train rides. I have not figured out yet why it is like that. But whenever I look out of the window and see nature rushing by, it either feels super calm or super heavy. I'd say, this depends on the current mood I have in this very moment. Apparently it was heavy this time.
However, as always, I am quite curious about two things: First: how many people dare to listen to the full episode? Second: What are their thoughts while listening to it? ...if someone cares to answer: Drop me a line! But thanks for following the ShibbCast anyways so far.
I appreciate every click and every listener.
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