#ShibbCast - Major difficulties instead of finale.

So. It's sunday again and today was intended to be the release date of #ShibbCast - Episode 10. The finale of the first season named The Melting Mind Sessions.

Good or bad news first? I go for bad news. The bad news is that unfortunately my computer broke down. Never a good message to tell/hear/experience... So this is the reason for me not being able to broadcast the finale today and I am very sorry about that. But that's life. Things like that do actually never happen in a convenient moment. But let's be honest: is there a convenient moment for a computer beeaking down? I dont think so.

Nonetheless here's the "good" news:
I have done my research and this breakdown is repairable. Since I already recorded Episode 10 it won't get lost as it is. And this leaves me kind of relaxed with the situation. Of course I am not happy with it, but there is a solution for it. And this is what matters the most right now I think.

So, what have I done today without a computer? I got a lot of paperwork done and continued creating concepts for the Future of ShibbsterTweets - concepts for my YouTube channel as well as topics to write about on my blog.

Meaning: although not being able to share the season finale with you, it has still been a pretty positive and productive day today!

If you stay tuned, I will keep you up to speed. Until then: HAPPY SUNDAY EVENING EVERYONE!


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